Member Churches of CUC Covenant Before God and With One Another

  1. To admit as communicant members, without requiring any further sacramental rite, those desiring admission who have been baptised by water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, have made profession of faith and have been recognised as communicant members by any of the Covenanting Churches.
  2. Accept that the ordained ministers of Word and Sacrament in the Member Churches of the CUC have been called and ordained by God in Christ and exercise a sacramental, preaching, teaching and pastoral ministry in the Church of God and not simply in the particular church to which they belong.

Permit such ordained ministers, while remaining members of their own churches, to exercise such ministry within (the name of the Church) when duly authorized or appointed so to do.  

  1. To participate in all future ordinations in each of the Covenanting Churches.
  2. To work together for the spread of the Gospel, for justice, peace and freedom and for the spiritual and material well-being of all people.
  3. To seek to become a fellowship in Christ that is not divided by tradition, nation, culture, class and colour.
  4. To pursue means whereby, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Covenanting Churches in each place may act together in worship, witness and service.
  5. To signify our solemn acceptance of this Covenant by participation in the Service of Reconciliation and Recognition.

To date, the CUC commits itself to convene a Consultative Synod once every five years to track the progress toward deeper expressions on unity along the following five trajectories

  1. Promoting further co-operation in ministry and mission at local level
  2. Developing common preaching and liturgical resources;
  3.  Co-operating in the training of students for the ministry and the post-ordination training of ministers;
  4. Developing and strengthening of Centres of Hope
  5. Seeking consensus on the ministry of oversight.



Office of the Secretary General: Rev KM Sikawu Makubalo

021 712 8609 (8am -1pm) |

16 Lowlands Ave, Tokai, 7945