• The most substantial work has taken place in KZN over recent months. This work is driven by different stakeholders and includes:
    1. Ongoing work through the Diakonia Council of Churches and Denis Hurley Institute for Reconciliation to address the trauma experienced though xenophobia and an ongoing effort to monitor and address issues of violence in the hostels
    2. Work with communities in Northern KZN and outside Pietermaritzburg relating to education, domestic violence and people exposure to violence
    3. Work with traditional leaders and communities in Southern KZN with particular focus on the ANC and IFP conflicts which took place in the 80s and 90s.
  • Regular meetings with representatives from the DRC and Rwandan communities have been held and hearings commenced.  This work is still in its infancy and has to be carefully managed given the very high levels of vulnerability and fear which exist in the communities.